Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

Let's start at the beginning....

December, 2003
Pictures are grainy because we took them with our phone's camera...
Lauren, Me and Andrea

We sat at the end of the long table....happily huggling when called for..& even when not called for
Elaina, Mark and others...
The white wine - Lauren looks on..
The white wine
Andrea, Elaina, Hank and Mark

A little about me...

I am not a connoisseur of wines - but my tongue tells me what tastes good and what does not at least to me.

All the opinions here are mine and mine alone. You can definitely beg to differ.

Your opinions DO matter.

I love to take pictures.

I love love love my family - they are more than just friends.

I love meeting new people.


I really really love my husband (and bunni's too)

What this Blog is

A place to view pictures of happy people enjoying themselves
A place to hear about the menu and wines that are being sampled and enjoyed at Maurizios
A place to share your views of wine and your personal experiences at Maurizio's in the North End

What this Blog is NOT

An avenue for unkind criticism.
A place to be when there are more important things to be doing
A place for spam to live